Take a sneak peak at Life Church Morris Children’s Ministries!!! Children of all ages are cared for and taught the love of Jesus in an age appropriate classroom setting! Our team of teachers and helpers are passionate about the role they play in the classroom and in your children’s lives! Teachers and helpers have gone through a thorough background check for “rest-assured parents”! Kids’ check-in station will secure your child’s safety as it allows teachers and helpers to be in touch with parents at all times via a quick text. Allergies? No problem! You can input as much information about your child at our check-in station or on your mobile device. See you Sunday!!!! We can’t wait to meet your child!
TINY TOTS (newborn to 3 1/2 yrs):
In this classroom, newborn to 3 1/2 year olds are surrounded by loving caregivers who will interact with your baby/toddler. Babies will be rocked in our comfy rockers while being snuggled in loving arms, and toddlers will learn about Jesus through story time, music and playtime with other children. Snack time in Tiny Tots is a big hit! Teachers and helpers will love your child with the heart of Jesus!
little lambs (3 1/2-6 yrs)
In our Little Lambs classroom, teachers and helpers are excited to be teaching the lambs all about Jesus as their Shepherd through Bible stories that are supported by a fun-filled craft to capture the story! Little Lambs are so filled with excitement that they often can’t wait to share what they are learning with their families! They are also
exploring God’s love through music using instruments and Superbook fun-filled movies! Then the time is topped off with an amazing snack! Our teachers and helpers radiate God’s love for our Little Lambs!
ROARING LIONS (7-12 years)
In this classroom our Roaring Lions are being taught the Biblical principles of Jesus by experienced teachers and loving helpers. We are teaching the children the gospel of Christ, salvation, baptism, worship, prayer and the Scriptures. The Roaring Lions learn foundational teachings while having FUN! FUN! FUN! through crafting, role playing Bible stories, fun games, movies and popcorn, dramas, and singing with motions! This is a classroom where children can have fun, express themselves and grow in their relationship with Jesus!
Send us an email to find out more about our Children’s Ministry or to ask about opportunities to serve:
Meet Dave and Maria Bandosz, our Children’s Ministry leaders! Dave and Maria are parents to 4 adult children, and grandparents to 5 beautiful grandchildren. Dave and Maria began their service in the Children’s Ministry in 2003 as helpers. Their love for the Children’s Ministry is second to the love they have for one another. Together they rejoice in leading the ministry and testify that it has given them a deeper love, trust and faith in our Heavenly Father!